Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pinkbox Makeup's Holiday Series Giveaway # 1

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!

Hello my lovely lovely readers & followers! *wave* I know its been a while since you've heard from me.. but i wont bore you with my busy life. I hope you all had a wonderful christmas with your dear ones and that you will have the most wonderful new years party as well :)

My of my main new years resolution is to stop procastinating and start blogging more! So you will definitely see me coming back and blogging for sure :) I hope you havent forgotten about me just yet! ;) Now, lets just jump right back into the game and kick off this wonderful new year with a series of Holiday Giveaways!

I've been saving quite a lot of goodies here and there for this giveaway! So somewhere out there, several of you (yes, maybe YOU!) will get a surprise present to start off their new year! :D So starting from today, i will be hosting BI-WEEKLY giveaways! meaning there will be a winner every two weeks! And this will continue until i run out of stuff to giveaway :p

Meanwhile, in between the giveaway and announcement posts, i will go back to blogging about the makeup world and provide you all with those swatches and reviews i know you're dying to see! ;)

Holiday Giveaway Number One
- ends on Tuesday, Jan 10, 2012 -

One Lucky Winner will receive the following items!

1. Marcelle Lux Eye Dust in Fantasia
2. Marcelle Lux Eye Dust in Bronze Millionaire
3. Marcelle Lux Eye Dust in Go-Violet
4. Annabelle Smoothie Eyeshadow Pencil in Absinthe-Minded
5. Marcelle Waterproof Eyeliner in Effervescent

1. You MUST be a follower on Google Friend Connect - 1 Entry
2. Fill out the form below to be entered to win! Click here if you cannot see the form below.

Additional Entries:
1. Follow me on twitter & tweet this giveaway! Please include link & @PinkboxMakeup so i can keep track - 1 entry
2. "LIke" Pinkbox Makeup on facebook! - 1 entry
3. Make a blog post or post about this giveaway on your sidebar! - 1 entry

Good luck everyone and have a wonderful new years party!

Please Note: Some of the above items were provided to Pinkbox Makeup for review purposes. However, any comments, thoughts or opinions are my own honest opinion and are based on my personal experiences only.