Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pinkbox Makeup's Holiday Series Giveaway # 1

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!

Hello my lovely lovely readers & followers! *wave* I know its been a while since you've heard from me.. but i wont bore you with my busy life. I hope you all had a wonderful christmas with your dear ones and that you will have the most wonderful new years party as well :)

My of my main new years resolution is to stop procastinating and start blogging more! So you will definitely see me coming back and blogging for sure :) I hope you havent forgotten about me just yet! ;) Now, lets just jump right back into the game and kick off this wonderful new year with a series of Holiday Giveaways!

I've been saving quite a lot of goodies here and there for this giveaway! So somewhere out there, several of you (yes, maybe YOU!) will get a surprise present to start off their new year! :D So starting from today, i will be hosting BI-WEEKLY giveaways! meaning there will be a winner every two weeks! And this will continue until i run out of stuff to giveaway :p

Meanwhile, in between the giveaway and announcement posts, i will go back to blogging about the makeup world and provide you all with those swatches and reviews i know you're dying to see! ;)

Holiday Giveaway Number One
- ends on Tuesday, Jan 10, 2012 -

One Lucky Winner will receive the following items!

1. Marcelle Lux Eye Dust in Fantasia
2. Marcelle Lux Eye Dust in Bronze Millionaire
3. Marcelle Lux Eye Dust in Go-Violet
4. Annabelle Smoothie Eyeshadow Pencil in Absinthe-Minded
5. Marcelle Waterproof Eyeliner in Effervescent

1. You MUST be a follower on Google Friend Connect - 1 Entry
2. Fill out the form below to be entered to win! Click here if you cannot see the form below.

Additional Entries:
1. Follow me on twitter & tweet this giveaway! Please include link & @PinkboxMakeup so i can keep track - 1 entry
2. "LIke" Pinkbox Makeup on facebook! - 1 entry
3. Make a blog post or post about this giveaway on your sidebar! - 1 entry

Good luck everyone and have a wonderful new years party!

Please Note: Some of the above items were provided to Pinkbox Makeup for review purposes. However, any comments, thoughts or opinions are my own honest opinion and are based on my personal experiences only.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Late night fix - Marcelle's Soothing Cleansing Water

Raise your hand if you're guilty!

I know I'm not the only who comes home from late nights and just literally pass out on my bed. Face full of makeup? Unfortunately, sometimes, yes :(

I know most of us do the best we can, when it comes to situations like this. We keep towelettes, makeup remover pads etc by our beds so that we can get as much makeup off as we can. But I dont know about you girls, when the next morning comes around, i almost always find one or two red bumps on my face...

And that is when I wish that this product came into my life earlier. Let me introduce, (my almost finished bottle) Marcelle Essentials, Purity Soothing Cleansing Water.

Now there's no need for me to take a billion pictures of the product, but let me tell you, this product is deceiving.

As Marcelle themselves said on their blog,

It’s an eye make-up remover, facial cleanser and tonifying lotion. All in one.  

- click here to go to Marcelle's blog post to see this product in action! -

It might look like water, but this is what helps keep my skin clean and clear! And no, I don't only use it on those late nights out.. I have worked this into my nighttime routine after cleansing my face. And wow, some days when I felt like I have cleansed my little heart out, one swipe of this on a cotton pad makes me embarrassed. Plus, this doesnt dry out my skin at all! No tingly tight feeling <3

Oh, and did I tell you the best part? It takes off WATERPROOF MAKEUP! yeah that's right, it might not remove it as well as the oil-based makeup removers.. But hey! Since when do we expect that from a toning lotion? 

Overall, I would most definitely recommend giving this a try! Whether you need it for late nights or just want something extra to fully cleanse your face :) I know I'll be the first to go out and get me another bottle once this one is almost done!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New take on French Manicure

Hi everyone!

So lately I've been seeing alot of bloggers and YouTubers doing a new take on the old French manicure! And while I had some extra time on my hands today, I decided to add some tips to my already painted nails!

I used OPI's black to the future along with jacob's pret-a-porter to create this look!

I love how the OPI shade is not a black black because I find it just too dark for my liking. Rather, it is a gorgeous deep purple with small red shimmers! From far it look dark like black, but up close it is gorgeous!! Enjoy :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Jacob's Nail Polish

Oh my goodness.. I can't believe it's been so long since I updated! Time flies when you are busy! Sorry everyone!

Today I want to show you a new nail polish I picked up from Jacob! They have a new line of polishes and the colors were really pretty! While I was shopping for some work clothes, I saw this on the counter and just had to pick it up!!

Here is jacob's pret-a-porter :) I just love the color!

one coat.. a bit sheer

two coats

I have yet to test out the wear time on these polishes, but so far i am really liking them! They apply easily (although 2 coats is a must!) and have a very pretty glossy shine to them :) i may be stopping by Jacob's again sometime soon to take a look at the other shades! <3

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Im Really Sorry For Being MIA!

 I hate to leave you all hanging...

but to be honest, life has been crazily busy atm and as sad and guilty i feel about this, i really havent had the time to sit down, swatch and review products.. and trust me, theres a ton that i really want to share with you all because they are amazing products!

for those interested in knowing why i have slowly stopped posting as often as i'd like (*eek! sorry. i know its horrible) i actually recently got a new job! Its an accounting office job so while 99% of you may think that is super boring, i actually fall in the crazy 1% who enjoys it more than i should lol :) *nerd face*

haha but to be honest, im not enjoying it JUST because im the biggest. nerd. ever. surprising? haha no, its really because:

a) i have just started my new job so everything is still really new and amazing
b) i am meeting all kinds of lovely amazing people
c) i can kinda sorta play "dress-up" every morning as i absolutely ADORE business casual outfits <3
d) i now have a paycheck which equals more shopping for more outfits & makeup <3
e) my office is right across from a mall. so yup! thats right, my paycheck's gone before i get it! ;)

lol so all in all, life's been good! but on top of a full time job, im also taking an online course. which really makes things difficult! i originally took the course so i wouldnt be sitting around (this was BEFORE i got the job).. and now im going crazy trying to make days last longer so i have enough time to fit everything in! haha 

anyways, sorry to bore you all with all thats happening! I promise once i get some free time, i will swatch everything like crazy and sneak in posts here and there! Please bear with me for a bit! But until then, i hope you all are having a wonderful fall :) xoxo!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Im So Glad We Met Again, Volume Lip

Seriously, SO glad!

The first time around when i tested out Annabelle's Volume Lip Lipglosses, I liked them, but I wasnt in love. This time around, I was sent one (in the shade tangerina) and seconds later, i was frantically digging through my collection for all my other ones! How they were not part of my daily routine i do not know. I think it comes down to the fact that back then, i really did not wear lipgloss often.. shame on me i know :(

but anyways, the past is the past and i am ready to re-review these gorgeous lipglosses for you all! In total, including all the others in my collection, i now have six and have found a permanent spot for several in my purse. Lets take a look at some pictures :)

here are the previous swatches from my collection

cherryoke, metro mango, vivid volume, sweet tweets, iced sugar

cherryoke, metro mango, vivid volume, sweet tweets, iced sugar

cherryoke, metro mango, vivid volume, sweet tweets, iced sugar

and here is the swatch of my new addition :) meet tangerina

I still hold on my previous review with the flaws i stated. Firstly, these tubes are a bit tough to apply since they a tad too sturdy, secondly the name of the product is printed on a sticker which MUST be removed prior to using the product, and finally, there is a lack of pigmentation when comparing hand swatches to actual lip application.

tangerina when applied
However, getting those flaws out of the way, let me then tell you why i am SO glad to find these again. Firstly, even though the colors are sheer, these add a gorgeous tint to your lips. They give you just a touch of color that instantly brightens up your face and that is exactly what i need. especially now that i'm out of school and entering the work area, i dont want anything too "in-your-face" if you know what i mean :p

Secondly, the formula is amazing! Just a little dot and even if you have dry, cracked lips.. your lips will feel insanely smooth! Very moisturizing and not sticky at all (unless you decide to layer lots! and even then, its not even that sticky!) Not only that, but i find that it also helps plump up your lips without that burning feeling which is a nice addition :)

So overall, Im definitely enjoying these again :) Have you guys tried this before? Let me know what you think!

Please Note: The products mentioned above were sent to Pinkbox Makeup for review consideration. No monetary compensation was received and as always, all opinions and thoughts are my own honest personal views and based on my own experiences with the product itself.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Im Loving Fall Colors!

My Favorite Season !

Fall is definitely my all time favorite season mainly because of the gorgeous colors! I love all the forest greens, navy blues, mustard yellows, rusty browns and brick reds! <3 and plus, in fall, the weather is a bit cooler so you can layer your clothing and accessorize with scarfs and boots! :D Since we're kind of still in-between summer & fall, heres a fall inspired outfit :)

Outfit details:
tank top - costa blanca
waist skirt - forever 21
wrap belt - h&m
thin cardigan - forever 21
shoes - winners

whats your favorite season?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

These Annabelle Smudge Paints are Amaazing!

Multi-Functional, Practical and Long Lasting!

These new Annabelle Smudge Paints mean serious business! When i first saw these at my local drugstores, i CRAVED to get my hands on them. but back then, i had put myself on a spending ban and sadly had to leave empty handed. So when i saw that the lovely Isabel had sent me not one, but FOUR of these lovely lovely things, i was beyond excited!

Now if you dont understand why i was so obsessed about getting my hands on these, let me show you some pictures and explain some details..

Firstly, the packaging is very unique in that not only does it come in a sturdy pot like normal gel liners do, but there is a built-in brush applicator hidden right inside the top! you just pull it out, flip it around, re-attach it and there you go.. no need to carry an extra liner brush which makes this PERFECT for travel purposes

Oh, but thats not all.. you can use this gel liner as per usual in the daytime, but if you want to amp it up for the night, you can double this up and use it as a cream shadow! The formula is very smooth, applies easily and best of all, blends beautifully! Plus, the built-in brush applicator allows for both thin and thick lines, whichever you prefer!

Muddy/ Sludge / Plummed / Tar

Muddy / Sludge / Plummed / Tar

Muddy / Sludge

Plummed / Tar
So when it comes time to go on vacation, this product is definitely one you need to bring along! which is exactly what i did when i went to vegas <3

Now of course, being the critical blogger, i'll let in you on some minor flaws
Firstly, if you're the type that wants to get the most out of your money, these smudge paints run a tad smaller than the usual gel liner (2g here compared to Maybelline's 3g) and cost around $11 CAD. Secondly, i dont recommend using this on your waterline. Because its meant to smudged (hence the name) and its creamy consistency, this doesnt sit well on the waterline. so if you're looking in particular for a product just for the waterline, you might want to skip this.

other than that though, i am really really loving this product. and seriously, how can you not! its multi-taskable, practical, comes in gorgeous colors and is a beauty to apply. have i convinced you yet? haha but seriously, i lovee this! <3

Please Note: The products mentioned above were sent to Pinkbox Makeup for review consideration. No monetary compensation was received and as always, all opinions and thoughts are my own honest personal views and based on my own experiences with the product itself.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Little Bit of Lace

Goodbye Summer!

I am back from Vegas and i am so sorry it took me so long to get back to posting haha i needed a long recovery period from all the nights of drinking and lack of sleep! But im back now and ready to start working on reviews and swatches again! especially for all those Marcelle/Anabelle goodies i receive! *yay* hehe but for now, heres another quick outfit of the day.. just something easy but still polished :)

outfit details:
lace tank top - winners
wrap belt - h&m
black blazer - hong kong
denim shorts - bluenotes

and i'll throw in a face of the day too.. not wearing too much and im still looking pretty dead from the vegas trip haha so please excuse my "i-need-more-sleep" look :)

i will post up some random pictures from my trip soon so you can all see what i wore and how i did my makeup (kind of) lol it was a lot of fun mainly because i could really experiment with bolder eye looks, ones i would never be able to pull off normally! until then, have a wonderful week! <3