Sunday, May 16, 2010

Just Wright & Sushi at Shibuya ♥

How are you guys doing today? The weather in Calgary was absolutely beautiful! Finally, summer is here!! :D My boyfriend and i went to go watch Just Wright today. Have you guys seen it? I thought it was really good and actually really liked it! But then again, im a huge basketball fan :) Does anybody here also watch basketball? haha I'm so super sad that Lebron and Cleveland are out of the playoffs.. :( it was supposed to be his year. But oh well.. maybe next year :)

Anyways, we had sushi for dinner with some friends and i just had to take a picture because their presentation is amazing. Ive ate at this place a couple times before but never remembered to take a picture (always couldnt help but eat it right away), but i did today and wanted to share it with you guys!
- sorry for the quality in advance, these were taken with my blackberry :) -

The roll on the right is Unagi Melody, my all time favourite ♥

Shibuya Roll - Unagi, Cream Cheese, Cucumbers all deep fried in batter!

Dont they look amazing? :) We also had some beef tataki but i forgot to take a picture :( .. but i definately had a delicious yummy meal! I think sushi is one of my all time favourite (with korean being the other!) What about you guys? :)


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