Sunday, May 30, 2010

More Giveaways! :)

Hi everyone! The snow's finally starting to go away over here.. i sure hope that was the last snowfall until next winter! :D Anyways, i've been browsing blogs and found some more awesome bloggers who are offering amazing giveaways! I really want to host my own, but i think it'll have to wait until at least i'm done with some of my exams.. or maybe i'll pick a number and have one when i reach that many followers haha :P we'll see! But here are some that i found these last couple of days:

1. Laura is having a 100 follower giveaway! Congrats on all your followers :) There will be 2 winners and the prizes are super good! Here's the goodies for first prize winner:

Unfortunately, i saw this a little bit late, so you guys only have until June 1st to enter! Click here for her post!

2. Perfectly Polished is having a giveaway for reaching 200 followers! The prize include a MAC Viva Glam Lady Gaga lipstick AND a pair of Lady Gaga-esq MAC Lashes No. 42! This ends on June 16th at 7 pm so hurry and check it out here!

3. Will work for makeup is having her first giveaway! The prizes are beautiful! Theres a lot of products in there that i really want but never really ended up buying :D This ends June 20th so hurry and click here!

And thats it for now! I will keep you guys updated if i find any more amazing giveaways! Good luck and take care :)

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