Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy 'Belated' Halloween!

Hey everyone :) how was your halloween? im sorry i didnt get the chance to post up any halloween related posts because while it was halloween 'week' for kids and all, the past 2 (and upcoming) week are midterm weeks for us :( boooooo.... and since i had so much school stuff going on, i didnt even have time to go out and search for a nice halloween costume like i did last year!

well.. a couple of my girlfriends and i did some SUPER last minute halloween costume shopping (we were planning to just have a bunch of people over for a house party, but we decided to go clubbing super last minute) so... we picked up and created the fastest cheap costume ever. :) and i loved it!

we picked up some ladybug wings for about $10, and some fishnet tights for i think $5... threw on a nice little black dress, add some red/gold heels and ta-da! we were done with our costume hahaha.. i know its nothing special and all, but i was pretty proud of our last minute costume :) here are some pics from the night!

my fav picture of us hehe

too bad you cant see the tights in these pictures hahaha they were pretty sweet. apart from being fishnet, they also had a fluffy garter-ish ring around the thighs.. slutty much? ;) haha halloween's the only time in the year haha but anyways, i hope you all had a great (and safe!) halloween! what did you do? what were your costumes like? please share :D

I am working on going through all entries and validating them. I know i shouldve done this as i got the entries, but school's been keeping me way too busy! Hopefully i can get them done within the next day or two :) So keep your eyes open for the announcement and dont forget to check your inboxes!! Good luck!
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