Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Karmin G3 Flat Iron! And the Winner is...

Before announcing the winner, i really would like to thank each and every one of you (even those who didnt enter) for supporting and following my blog. I started this blog in May 2010 and never expected anyone to follow. now its nearing one whole year of blogging and i have met and became friends with soo many wonderful people that its insane. i really love the blogger community because everyone here is so supportive and so kind to each other. its really amazing to see and this community is filled with so much talent :)

bottom line is, i really am thankful for every single one of my followers :) and i really hope you all enjoy reading my crazy long blog posts (i know.. i tend to get carried away lol) :) also, special thanks to Kris from Hair Products Pro who contacted me to sponsor this giveaway :)


okay! time to announce the winner of the karmin G3 salon pro flat iron giveaway! *drumroll*

here is the number picked...

so #311.. which corresponds to....

MsBubu !!

Congrats :) You are the winner! I will be emailing you shortly for your contact info so that Hair Products Pro can mail out your new flat iron to you :)

Thanks again to everyone who entered! If you didnt win this time, that's okay! dont be sad :) I will most likely be hosting another giveaway once i reach 500 followers. I am slowly starting to pick up goodies here and there, but the giveaway wont start until after i reach 500 followers, so keep your eyes open for when that giveaway post comes! :D


Next up, here's a sneak peek at my new years eye look :)

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