Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pinkbox Makeup Is Now on Facebook!

Facebook Me!

Hi everyone :) I have just created a facebook fan page for my blog and would LOVE if you guys helped show some support and head over and 'like' my page :) its pretty lonely right now haha  click here to head on over to my facebook page! :D

If you know of any tips or have any suggestions, please feel free to tell me! I am new to this and would love some extra tips or help :) so please let me know what you think of my page :D

p.s - if you have a fanpage for your blog and want me to like it too, just let me know in the comments :D

Extra entries for my Sigma F80 giveaway!

oh, and since im trying to promote my facebook fan page, i have decided that you will receive TWO extra entries if you "like" my fan page :)

No need to refill the giveaway form or email me to let me know (although you can if you want lol) but when the giveaway is closed, I will be adding the names of all those who liked my facebook page onto the spreadsheet twice before i draw the two winners with the help of :)

Click here for the original giveaway post for more information and ways to enter!

Thank you & good luck!

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