Monday, April 4, 2011

My HG Sigma Brush Is Now a Staple In My Purse!

of course, i'm talking about my new
Sigma Hollywood Glamour Flat Top Retractable Kabuki !!

As part of the amazing affiliate program at Sigma Makeup, I was able to receive a Miss Taylor Retractable Kabuki to reivew and giveaway! (Look out for the giveaway post in the next few days!)

Im pretty sure by now you guys know how much i LOVE my Sigma F80 flat top kabuki brush (review here). It is my all time favorite brush to apply foundation with, definitely HG material! Well, ever since I got my F80, i've been eyeing this retractable version of it and now I can happily say that it is finally in my hands and has quickly found its own spot in my purse :)


Brush comes in a cute little box packaging

compared to iphone for size

even when the lid is off, the brush is still protected

to use, simply pull down the metal surrounding and tada!

flat top loveeee <3

amazing density and softness! i could feel it all dayyy :)

hehe sumo eyeing my kabuki.. i think she wants one too!!

Anyways, enough with pictures, lets get onto the review!

As usual, we'll start with the good :)
oh my, where to start? theres SO many things i love about this brush its not even funny! I guess we'll look at packaging first.. im a huge fan of keeping a retractable brush in my purse for touchups. They are much more compact and stay well protected and clean. The packaging for the miss taylor kabuki is not only functional, but absolutely gorgeous! I know it seems like pink is the only color in my world, but i really cant resist a gorgeous purple! <3 LOVE!

note: this is also available in black and red, as well as a pink but only as part of a set

Next, lets look at the brush itself! Its got the same amazing density, which picks up products easily and buffs it into your face seamlessly. The sigmax fibre is the HG material for foundation brushes! It not only allows for "HD definition" as the site puts it, but i really think that these bristles absorb alot less product! This means that you can now use less product, get more out of it, waste less and therefore end up saving yourself some money :)

Comparison with the Sigma F80

size difference

bristles comparison: f80 on left, miss taylor on right

the miss taylor kabuki seems to be wider and slightly bigger than the f80, i actually prefer the bigger surface area because i find it easier to buff in my foundation.

side comparison

Just a thought...
With a retractable kabuki, you can totally adjust the width of your brush! How? Well, you simply hold the metal casing that slides up to protect your brush, at whatever height you want! The higher you bring it, the smaller the width of the brush will be. This may be a bit hard to get used to at first (as you will need to hold onto this metal casing), but it can come in useful if you have hard to reach areas and that large width of the brush just wont work!

Before I get carried away, lets hear the bad
At first, i totally got carried away and felt that nothing could be wrong with this brush, its got everything i loveeee in it! and dont get me wrong, there really isnt much bad things to say about this brush.

BUT to be the picky blogger who has to show the full sides of the whole product, i do have some slight points to mention. (not that any of these would really change my mind about recommending this to everyone i see and know)

firstly, because of the density of the bristles, this brush will take longer to dry after you wash it.. which sucks because that means you might have to skip a morning without this brush if you decided to do some last minute cleaning late last night. I would recommend you washing this earlier than your other brushes so that it can dry in time for when you need it the most :) Secondly, the metal casing that slides up to protect the brush? i find it to be a tad loose.. Not so loose that it will fall down on its own, but loose in the fact that when i buff my foundation into my face, i hear a slight "click click" noise as the metal casing bounces up and down. Not a huge deal, but something you should know in case you one who gets annoyed easily lol

Overall though, i would HIGHLY RECOMMEND this brush to anyone and everyone! It is just as amazing as the F80 if not better  *gasp* :) I have it stored safely in my makeup bag in my purse now and its staying there forever :) I am even considering purchasing another just to use in my morning routine, but that would be too greedy wouldnt it? haha i just love it so much :)

Anyways, i hope you enjoyed this review! As with my previous Sigma F80 review, I will be hosting a giveaway so that one of my lucky followers will be able to win their own Miss Taylor Flat Top Kabuki!! I will be posting the giveaway details in the next few days so if you're not following me already, please do so so that you will be notified once the giveaway post is up! Until then, have a great week everyone :)


Please Note: The above product has been sent to Pinkbox Makeup for review purposes. No monetary compensation has been received for this post, however, the links above are affiliate links and may lead to commission if sale occurs. As always, reviews and opinions and always my own honest view and based solely on my own experience.

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