Sunday, July 3, 2011

Polished Summer Outfit

Oh the Summer Wind :)

I am so happy because summer is finally here! The weather is starting to get nicer and nicer and i love it because everything seems to be just so much happier :) Anyways, i recently attended my bf's cousin's bridal shower and it was so much fun! I wanted to dress up a bit, but not have it over done.. so this is what i wore:

i bought this dress during winter and i was saving it for a nice summery event :) to make it more polished, i also slipped on a lightweight blazer :)

attempting to take a full shot of myself haha.. please excuse the messy room!

sorry for the short posts lately. i've been pretty busy applying for jobs and interviewing... so yeah haha life's keeping me pretty busy! but hopefully, i'll get the job i really want and then life will be good haha.

i have a TON of reviews and swatches to post.. and i promise i'll get to them asap! i also have some product reviews that I've been sent to by generous companies and i would really really like to get those posted up soon too! im just in the middle of testing them out, so they should be up soon! :D thanks so much for sticking with me though lol i know i've been slowly posting less and less... which saddens me :( but no worries, i'll be back at it very soon! take care and have a wonderful summer!

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