Tuesday, May 18, 2010

School's Starting Again...

Hey everyone, hope your summer's been going great! Unfortuantely, I have registered in two spring courses and will be starting school again tomorrow morning :( The good thing is, my classes are only on tuesday and thursday so i will still have some extra time to blog.

I am saying this in advance because since i've started blogging on here, i've been doing my best to blog daily. However, since i know schools going to be a bit rough, i may not have time to do that anymore.. so I hope you guys understand! :) This doesnt mean im going to stop blogging (except maybe a bit during exam times...), i'll still update with more swatches and reviews, but it might have to be every couple of days. i hope this doesnt change anything! :)

I also really want to take this chance to say a big thanks to all those who read my blog. I never really thought i could start my own blog and actually have people following me.. but now that i do.. its all a bit overwhelming. :) I really thank you all for stopping by and commenting on my posts because it makes me so happy to read them and reply back. I hope you guys keep posting your great posts so i can keep reading them each day! Take care and thanks :D



  1. Aaw, I'm kinda getting used to your blog being a part of my daily reads. :[ On the other hand, good luck with school.

  2. @RitalimeAww you dont know how happy that makes me! lol thank you for your support! :)
