Monday, May 10, 2010

Yummy Kit Kat Flavours!

So this is a random post that has absolutely nothing to do with makeup or beauty. I just thought these were super cute and wanted to share with you guys! Recently, my boyfriend and i were down in chinatown picking up some goodies to eat and we found these... kit kats in some different flavours!!

The two flavours are: Royal Milk Tea and Sakura Green Tea

Mmm. this one tastes a lot like white chocolate! but it has a slight milk tea taste :)

I think this one is my favourite out of the two! It tastes like a yummy green tea ice cream! :D

have you guys seen these around or tried them before? I think theres lots of other crazy flavours and i definately cant wait to try them!!


Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with any companies and any of the above products mentioned were all purchased by me with my own money, or given to me from family and friends. All reviews are from my personal experience and what works for me may not work for you. Please keep this in mind when testing these products.


  1. oh my gosh! They looooook so good. I've never tried them. Sadly, its nowhere to be found here in Minnesota. :( I see that you got it while shopping with your b/f, but do you know if they have an online store? I'm really lemming for these. <3

  2. Oh my, I'm so jealous!!! I've been hearing so much about these flavored Kit Kats, sadly I haven't been able to score one yet. :(

  3. @ Katie: hmm. i've searched on google for a bit, but couldnt really find anywhere to purchase. Im thinking.. maybe when i get enough followers for my first giveaway, i could throw in a couple of these for fun! (and i really hope they'll have more new fun flavors in stock for when i do!)

    @ Ritalime: dont be jealous :) like i said, i'll pick some up for my first giveaway and if i find anywhere that do sell them online, i'll be sure to let you guys know :)

  4. Yeay, looking forward to it. :D
