Friday, July 23, 2010

I Heart Your Blog Award

Thank you to Jasmine from Love, Peace & Lipstick for giving me this wonderful award! Please check out her blog! (She always posts deliciouss pictures of cupcakes at the end of each post <3)

1. Post the award on your blog
2. Link the person who has given you the award
3. Pass the award to other 15 blogs you've discovered
4. Let these 15 people know that you've given them an award

So, the 15 people who i will pass on this award to are:

1. Erynn at e.motion in motion
3. Justine at Productrater
4. Renay Shanel at She speaks of beauty
5. Dawn & Trace at Peachy Pink Sisters
6. ipehishere at Lollibunnie
7. Miss Krimson at Vivid Fusion
8. Julianne at Bathroom Dancer
14. Bailey at I know all the words
15. Stephine at stephineglamour

There are of course SO many other wonderful amazing bloggers i would like to pass this award to, but unfortunately, 15's the number! but i know for sure that someone else will pass this award to them because they deserve it :) spread the love girls! and thank you once again to jasmine :)
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