Saturday, July 3, 2010

Smudgeliners - Do they Smudge or Do they Stay?

Morning ladies! Isnt the weather outside just gorgeous? (or maybe i'm just feeling so good because im finally done with spring semester OR the fact that i have reached 100 followers! I am so happy and i want to thank each and every one of you for supporting me :)

So to tell you the truth, im a bit behind on my posts.. remember that annabelle haul i did awhile back? Well, im FINALLY going to be reviewing and posting up swatches. Sorry for the hold back! but i got these products during an intense week of school so i literally just forgot to post about them :( .. and then my Cherry Culture haul came in, and well.. i forgot about it even more! So here finally, is the review on Annabelle's smudgeliners.

I've been testing these out for about a few weeks now, ever since i've started ditching my black eyeliners for a brown one. I think it looks much more natural and on a beautiful summer day, i dont want to look overmade-up. I purchased two of their smudgeliners, one in Wired and one in Purple Storm. (btw.. these font colours are pretty similar to the liner colour! hehe) okay, heres what they look like:

opps.. so its kind of hard to tell the difference here haha
plus, silly me switched the order of the liners oops! :p

anyways, one side of the pencil is of course the liner.. and the other side is a smudger! hence the name.. smudgeliner! haha i always thought the name was pretty ironic. i mean, we normally dont want our eyeliners to smudge now do we? haha well.. these babies dont move anywhere! i'll prove it in the following pictures:

Annabelle smudgeliners in Wired and Purple Storm - flash
sorry.. my camera kind of washed out the purple-ness of purple storm.

Here's a slightly better picture.
The purple is more matte and has brown undertones so it shows up brown in pictures
Wired on the other hand has more of a frost/shine to it

Annabelle smudgeliners in Wired and Purple Storm - no flash

After vigorous rubbing... and i mean until my hand burned a bit.. they're still there! amazing staying power. I even tested this out with makeup remover. The waterproof ones work fine but the normal ones need a bit more rubbing before these come off. I wore this out a couple days ago and yes, they were still intact at the end of the day! possibly a little bit of smudging (i tend to be an eye-rubber sometimes :( ), but overall.. pretty goood!
my Final Verdict: These definately 100% stay! i am loving these and am thinking of purchasing a few more.. i really hope london drugs is still having that 50% sale on annabelle products because these (originally around $8.99 CAD) arent cheap! but if i can pick them up for $4-5, im definately buying more! :D so.. have you girls tried this before? I know annabelle is a canadian brand.. and can be pretty hard to find anywhere else. Sorry if im tempting you! But for canadian girls who have problems getting their eyeliner to stay put, these are definately worth a try!

and finally, a little EOTD featuring this smudgeliner in wired :)

Please excuse my eyebrows LOL, they werent done here

Full FOTD with NYX thalia on the lips :) i LOVE this lippie

hope you all had a good day!
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