Friday, July 16, 2010

White Flowers on Blue NOTD + Tutorial

I've been really getting into nail art recently.. so i will be posting more NOTDs and possibly some tutorials. Todays post will contain both of the above :D For this NOTD, i started simply with Sally Hansen's Gray by Gray which is a beautiful grayish blue. I then added some flowers and dots :) Heres a picture of the finished product:


Step One: Paint your base color
I used Sally Hansen`s Gray by Gray and applied two coats.

Step Two: Draw dots!
Using a dotting tool (or in my case, the ends of a bobby pin - just take a bobby pin and bend it open until it is V shaped) and a white nail polish.. dip into the polish and make five dots arranged into a flower shape (refer to picture below). If you want, you can also add dots outlining your nail. Working quickly, use a needle or anything with a sharp point (i used the metal tip of a mechancial pencil) drag 5 lines inwards to the center of the flower. This will create a more petal-like looking flower. Of course, you can always choose to leave the dots as is.

This is what it`ll look like... (sorry, mines a bit messy!)

And a close up...
seriously... messy right? haha my bad...

Step Three: Add middle dot
Using a different color (i used sephora OPI`s What a Broad), add dots in the center of each flower. This helps it look more `professional`and also helps to hide any imperfections.

Step four: Add rhinestones! (optional)
This is my newly mailed in rhinestone pack from ebay. i LOVE it! I decided to only add rhinestones to my thumbs. Taking two purple rhinestones and using the nail bond glue (came with my package), i placed the rhinestone in the center of the flower. If you dont have glue, you can always apply a top coat (clear polish) and then put the rhinestone in while it is still wet.

Step Five: Top Coat!
Dont forget to finish with layers of top coat to protect your hard work!

and You`re Finished !!

Finished thumbs (opps its blurry)

Finished nails :)
Hope you enjoyed this :) You can always switch up the colors and placement of the flower & dots etc. so use your imagination and Be creative!!
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