Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Finally Back !! Cruise Pictures :)

Hi everyone! I am finally back from my vacation! If you dont know already, this past week i was on a mexican riviera cruise with my bf and 2 other friends. It was super fun (and tiring) and we ate tons and tons of yummmy food. (seriously, it was an all inclusive cruise so we had to make our money worth it! and the best way to do that.. was by stuffing ourselves :D :D) 

anyways, thank you to those who have kept following and reading throughout my time of absence and hello to all my new followers! :D i have a lot to unpack and alot of pictures to share with everyone but i will get right back onto posting very shortly! for now... i'll just tempt you guys with some pictures from my cruise ;) enjoy!

note - i literally took about 800 pictures... but the following few are just snapshots of the cruise.. :)

first off.. the pictures the photographers helped us take on our formal night :)

and now some other pictures on and off the cruise :)

super relaxing :)

baby lion! soooo cute!

getting ready for snuba

getting ready for ATV

mazatlan view

mazatlan view

mazatlan viwe

jet skiing

formal night :)

our cruise ship!

theres like a billion more.. but i know how much you guys like FOOD PICS! so here are a few of the many i took :)

ramen at L.A.

katsu bowl at L.A.

shrimp cocktail

midnight buffet

at mazatlan

best banana dessert ever!

mcdonald's burger - patty, gucamole & doritosss!

white chocolate fondue

pistachio ice cream with chocolate chip cookie!

lobster and shrimp


steak sandwich!

feeling hungry yet? haha sorry for the insane amount of pictures.. but i love making you guys hungry! hehehe anyways.. maybe i should add in a tiny bit thats actually related to makeup :p

as you all might've seen my "what to pack - travel makeup" post.. i brought quite a bit with me. thats cause i like to have my choices and options open. but to tell you the truth, i barely used half of it. trust me, if you're planning on going on a cruise anytime in the near future, you dont need much makeup. you'll be more busy watching shows, eating late night snacks, staying up late and waking up early... and you wont have time or the patience to sit and do your makeup. so just bring your essentials! like foundation, eyeliner, mascara and blush.. i think thats all i used this trip haha. ohh, i used a bit of eyeshadow for formal nights but thats about it. this was my first cruise so i totally didnt know and learned the hard way, but for anyone who's going to go on one sometime soon.. just pack essentials! it'll be all you need :)
anyways, i hope you enjoyed the pictures! I'll be back to posting makeup & nails related posts very shortly :) also, if you're wondering about the giveaway, im in the process of putting it together! i'm still waiting for a few items to ship in because i ordered a few extra giveaway goodies along with my little ELF haul :) i have a feeling they should be in soon so stay tuned for more news! :D
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