Monday, October 11, 2010

Burt's Bees Anti-Blemish Solutions UPDATE!

So i've been testing the cleanser and spot treatment from Burts Bees Anti-Blemish Solutions line for a few days now. To see how i got a hold of these products, and to view information about the whole line, click here! (Basically, i received them after being chosen to participate in a campaign from BzzAgent, which is a totally cool website that allows you to test and review products and then share it with the world!) You can view the full campaign on this page!

Anyways, i have been using the cleanser and spot treatment both morning and night for about 4 days now.. and i have to say, i am seeing improvements!

cleanser and spot treatment

Here are my first thoughts after using the cleanser and spot treatment on night #1.

Night 1 - Cleanser

opening cleanser

so liquidy!

toner test
- very liquidy, (which i definately did not expect, since it was supposed to be a gel cleanser, i expected a thicker consistency) as a result, the product came out way too fast, and i ended up having too much product in my hands
- strong medication smell, very overpowering - if any of you have tried some form of tea tree oil, you will know what im talking about.. i guess it proves that there is anti-blemish ingredients and that it should be working, but im a big fan of good smelling products and this is just not that great-smelling.. however, i do hope that i will get used to the smell like i did with my tea tree oil cleanser.
- foamed up to nice consistency
- felt very smooth on skin
- afterwards, (before moisturizer) my skin didnt feel overly dried, no irritation
- toner test - (using toner after to see how much the cleanser actually took off) pretty good! there is slight coloring but nothing too much which means this cleanser did a pretty good job of removing makeup and oil!

Night 1 - Spot treatment

- also has the same scent as the cleanser, very strong and more overpowering than cleanser
- tingly feeling when you apply
- can get a bit overwhelming at first, my eyes kept watering up when i applied it
- packaging is quite nice, comes out slowly so you dont spill

Thoughts after 4 days of usage
- i got used to the smell of the cleanser and it doesnt bother me that much anymore. however, the spot treatment still gets to me.. and my eyes still water..
- i also learned to foam up the cleanser slightly in my hands first in order to prevent it from slipping right off my hands and face
- my red spots and slight bumps previously noticeable before has started to fade. my skin feels smoother and looks slightly more evened.
- also noticed that my face is less oily during the day

and finally... some pictures of before and after 4 days..... please be warned ahead of time that i am not wearing any makeup at all! this is after i have cleansed my face and put on the spot treatment....

before... and after...

before... and after... less red!

before... and after... less red again!

so there you have it.. thats after 4 days and i love how my red spots are finally decreasing in redness! its been something thats been bugging me for a long time now and im so happy to see it go :) the one thing i couldnt really test this pair on, was any full blown grown out zits....i mainly suffer from redness, small bumps and acne scarring from a long time ago so i can only tell you the results from those. however, if one of those gross pimples ever pop up, i will do another review to let you know how it works! imho though, i believe the spot treatment will work quite well against those nasty pimples! :D it just seems so strong.. haha but on my acne scarring, i dont think it did TOO much other than make it less red :)... anyways, i will try to post up a full review after using it for another week or so! hope this review helped :D

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