Monday, December 20, 2010

Amazing Bloggers You Should Know About

Doing something a tad different today... :) since i need a bit more time to fully review my new goodies, i thought i should do a post featuring some amazing beauty bloggers that really deserve so much more love than they already have! Ive seen several other bloggers do this recently, and i thought it was a great idea! I really feel that the blogger community is filled with amazing and super nice people :) so once in awhile, i would love to share these amazing ppl with all of you! :D

Of course, there are so many other bloggers that i want to mention and share with all of you.. so im thinking about doing this possibly once every few weeks or once a month? Let me know what you think of these posts! ;)

note: the below bloggers did not know or contact me to share their blog. i just personally think that they are amazing bloggers and that more people should read what they have to say :D also, these are not in any specific order, i love all of these blogs equallyy <3

Anyways, first up is Lindsay from Pretty As Peaches

Her and baby peaches *yay* will always keep you up to date on MAC Collections! Actually, it was Lindsay who really sparked off my love and addiction for MAC when i won one of her lovely giveaways. Since then, i always check out her blog when i want to find out more about upcoming and ongoing MAC collections! If you're one who cant wait to hear about upcoming collections and see new product pictures, you definitely need to add Pretty As Peaches to your blogroll :)

next up, is Angel from Makeup by Angel

Angel has some of the most amazing and gorgeous eye looks i've ever seen! She is beyond talented (and gorgeous!) and the color combinations she uses look amazing. I am sooo jealous of her skill in eyeshadow application and seriously think you will all enjoy her blog as much as i do! Trust me, you cant stop oo-ing and ah-ing over her gorgeous pictures! Plus, her kids are super cuteee!

next, are the lovely Maria and Tracey from Falsie Love

This is another blog where i come to oo and ahh over their amazing eye looks. As you can see from the picture above, they are just gorgeouss!! *jealouss* some people just have so much talent with applying eyeshadow! i also love how a lot of their looks are very bright and fun :D something i really wish i could pull off but sadly cant lol.

next up is Shaylee Anne from Cosmetically Curious

I was super excited when i found shaylee anne's blog because like me, she is also from Calgary! *woohoo* since i started blogging, its been rare to find fellow bloggers in western canada, let alone in the same small city!! But apart from that, shaylee also has amazing reviews on makeup products that are very informative and easy to read. im sure you'll find them helpful and enjoy her reviews as much as i do!

finally, a blog i recently found, Pammy from Pammy Blogs Beauty

Pammy's blog recently got a makeover and i am LOVINGG it!!! she inspired me to do a small 'makeup' to my blog as well so within the next week or so, look out for small changes! (im probably just changing my banner LOL) but anyways, although i only recently found out about Pammy's blog, her reviews and swatches are always a blast to read :) Plus, Pammy's a dear, and even though i only recently followed, i can tell she really makes an effort to connect with all her readers :)

And there you have it! I really enjoy reading posts from these 6 amazing bloggers and i really hope you will feel the same! They are all lovely people that are way way way more talented than i am, so i hope you will take the time to check out their blogs :) Anyways, i hope you enjoyed this! Let me know what you think in the comments below and it'll be back to product reviews next post! <3
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