Monday, March 7, 2011

Reminder - Giveaway Closing Soon!

Just a quick reminder...

My Sigma F80 Flat Top Kabuki Giveaway closes on March 11th, 2011 at 11:59 pm EST. If you havent entered yet, click here to visit the original giveaway post and find out how you can enter! :D There will be two winners chosen randomly through

P.S: Dont forget, if you "like" my facebook fanpage, you are automatically entered into this giveaway! Theres no need to refill out your entry as I will just enter everyone who is a fan after the giveaway closes :)


P.S. Sorry i've been MIA lately, been stressing over school and midterms! But now that the majority of them are over, I can finally catch up on some product reviews and swatches! As well, thanks to several of you who are totally sweet and supportive, I am planning on trying to film some videos and incorporate them into my blog posts.. hopefully they turn out alright :)

And to each and every one of you who reads, had read or will read my blog, thank you so so much for supporting me and for all your kind words :) You dont know how much they mean to me! <3 

I most definitely read every single message from all of you and always try my best to reply to them all.. but if any ever slips by, please dont be sad or mad! I still really appreciate your comment and probably just didnt have the time to reply. If you really would like to contact me directly, the best way would be either through email or twitter. I check those quite often :) - both are listed under the "Contact Me" page above.

Thanks again and i hope you all have an amazing week! <3

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