Saturday, April 16, 2011

Perfect Timing: Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion

 Has winter left you with dry hands?

Me too :( on top of that, I've been washing my hands like mad lately ever since i got my new puppy. She likes to lick alot so i have to keep my hands nice and clean! As a result, my hands have never been drier.. omg i dont remember the last time they were like this!

So when i got an email from the lovely Sarah from Skin MD Natural, I was SUPER excited! even more when their famous shielding lotion came in the mail and i finally got to test it out! *yay* read on to find out what i thought!

warning - this is quite a long post! plus, its a tad picture heavy..

 for comparison.

i also received several samples of their new shielding lotion with spf 15 :)

More information from pamphlet given: 
click to enlarge!  you can also visit their website for more information.

In case you didnt know:
"a shielding lotion enhances the power of the top layer of the skin to resist environmental irritants while protecting the inner natural moisture."

What i liked most about the company:
"Skin MD Natural is also an eco friendly skin care option. Our product is made in the US using solar power energy. Our lotion is never tested on animals and contains no animal ingredients making it both vegan and cruelty free. "

many rave reviews from fellow bloggers. One most recognizable - Christine from Temptalia!

Overall Review

 before - dry hands :(

after - moisturized! :)

First, the good:
i absolutely LOVE the texture and how it dries to a velvety smooth surface in a matter of minutes! If you know me, you'll know i love gel moisturizers and tend to avoid thick creams and lotions. I hate that oily greasy residue you get from most lotions. BUT, this shielding lotion is amazing. The gel texture glides on so smoothly and absorbs SO FAST! I couldnt get over how fast it dried and how soft my hands were after the first application! There was NO (ZERO!) residue left on my skin. amaaaazing!

PLUS, this lotion can be used on face, body & hands. Thats right, you read it right, ON YOUR FACE! I *bravely* used this lotion on my face after my neutrogena oil free moisturizer and prior to applying my tinted moisturizer and i was impressed! (no breakouts! *yay*) It has a silky gel texture, and dries fairly quickly leaving you with a feeling like you just applied a light layer of primer (without that heavy silicone feeling!) There is however, a SLIGHT sticky feeling, not very much.. but compared to the application on your hands, theres a bit. Either way, I lovee how multi-purpose this product is!

Then of course, the bad:
Theres not too much of a downside to this product, but of course, we bloggers always like to find something to write about haha.. so i guess i would say that there is limited retailers that sell this product & brand (in Canada at least), although Skin MD Natural does offer a store locator on their website that you should check out if you're interested! There isnt one around my area which sucks :( so i guess i will be ordering online, which is an extra $9.95 for shipping! 

Which leads to another slight downfall, the price. Originally, it costs about $18 for a 4oz bottle, which is already pricey for a student like me. But add another $10 for shipping and it starts getting a bit overwhelming! (note, the product i received was a 4oz bottle as well, see the above comparison picture for size)

Although to be honest...
if things continue the way they are now, i just might be re-purchasing once i run out anyways :) calgary weather is brutal. not only do we get long cold winters, but our humidity is super low! meaning super dry hands and feet :( thank god for the lovely team at Skin MD Natural! <3


if you'd like to try out this lotion, Get your free sample here! You can choose to either go directly to a store to ask for samples, or purchase 2 samples for $2.00 (the $2 charge is for shipping and handling worldwide).

OR ... you can wait for my giveaway post! Sarah has kindly offered me to giveaway one bottle of their shielding lotion to one of my lovely followers! :D
Until then, i hope you all have a wonderful week! Good luck to all who are writing (cramming for) final exams! <3

Please Note: The above product has been sent to Pinkbox Makeup for review purposes. No monetary compensation has been received for this post, however, the links above are affiliate links and may lead to commission if sale occurs. As always, reviews and opinions and always my own honest view and based solely on my own experience.

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