Monday, June 6, 2011

Im Back !! Gigantic Haul & Pictures from Hong Kong!

Hello my lovely followers! <3 *waves*

Im finally back from my trip to hong kong! it was absolutely amazing and i cant wait to share every detail with all of you! :D there will be a ton of gorgeous scenery, mouth-watering food and random pictures involved.. but dont worry, i most definitely wont leave out my makeup and clothing haul!

Since i've barely finished started unpacking... (mainly due to the fact that i have insane jet lag + i am still sick) i will just have to keep this post quite simple and just show some of many (read: thousands) pictures i took :) enjoy!!

first up... my makeup haul........ hehe

the purple and blue are both polishes that give the crack effect!!
hk has a HUGE variety of these polishes and in all sorts of shades!! if only it was easier to bring back to canada, i'd go crazy and get all of them!

i'll be doing separate posts on reviews and swatches... although i think it'll take quite some time before i go through all of them! so if theres anything you see that you want a review on first, please let me know and i'll get those posts up first :)

now.. some snapshots from my trip to hk! <3

taken with my iphone 4
night view of hong kong island <3

taken with my iphone4
night view of hong kong island <3

water show in macau :)

church in macau

ready to go out! hehe

mmmmm chips on a stick haha

day time view of hong kong

day time view of hong kong

yummmmmmm mango dessert!

toast art! this was made from 6000 pieces of toast!

at the beach :)


sushi! <3

my baby nephew! can you believe he's only 6 months!

night time hong kong harbour :)

busy streets! LOVE IT <3

macau by the harbour :)

egg desserts ! yumm :)

shanghai dumplings my favvvvvvv <3 & chicken in wine <3

more dumplings :D

another view of hong kong

omg shoes galore! <3

and more!! there were SO many shops like these <3
 haha okay.. thats enough for now! but i seriously have like almost 2000 pictures LOL yeah i went a bit overboard :p hehe i'll slowly show you guys some with each upcoming posts.. so no worries ^^ 

anyways, i'll be back to regular posting soon! just gotta... fix my jet lag and get un-sick lol. hope you all are having an amazing summer! <3 take care!

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