Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pinkbox Makeup's First Giveaway! CLOSED

Hi everyone! I have some exciting news to tell you todayy! I have seen and entered many giveaways in the past (although i never won anything :( lol) and have always wanted to host my own. So now that i finally finished writing my midterms and handing in a couple of reports for my spring semester, i'm ready to start my own giveaway :) There will be one (1) winner who will receive the following prize package:

One (1) Heart Necklace
One (1) Pair of Earrings
Two (2) sheets of Nail Stickers
One (1) Annabelle Blush in Rapture 
Two (2) of Stila's Silk Shimmer Glosses
One (1) Annabelle Mineral Pigment Dust in Azure
One (1) Box of Kit Kat - Sakura Green Tea Flavour
Three (3) packets of My Beauty Diary Masks - in Red Wine (1), Aloe Vera (1) and Natto (1) 

Prizes in detail:

My beauty diary masks: I personally love these masks! they leave your face super smooth and refreshed afterwards :) The only downside is.. they're hard to find if you dont live in asia! Read my review here.

Stila silk shimmer gloss:These apply really smooth and have a sweet candy smell :) Swatches and review available here. (for reference, these are the second and last lipglosses featured on the post)

Annabelle pigment & blush:These are both super pigmented and are just beautiful colours! Swatches available for the mineral pigment dust here and for the blush here.

Kit Kat in Sakura Green Tea: Of course, i promised you guys i'd share the yummyness so here it is! Unfortunately, when i went back to the store, they only had this flavour left.. but thats okay because i personally like this one better anyways! It literally tastes like delicious green tea ice cream :) and was featured in my previous post here.

Nail Stickers: I love painting my nails but when i dont have the time and effort to paint some nail art, these stickers come in handy! They help make your nails look gorgeous with very little effort :)

Goodie bag! I actually added this in last minute... i have lots of these homemade stars all over my room. whenever i see them, they make me smile and so, i really want to share them with all of you :) In this little goodie bag, are a pair of earrings and a beautiful necklace (i already have a necklace from my boyfriend that i religiously wear). Both are brand new and never used, but were not bought recently. I just thought that if i wasnt going to use them, someone should :)

Rules for entry (mandatory to win):
1. You must be a follower! (click the "follow" button on the left sidebar!) Please comment below saying you did so and tell me your email address so i can notify you if you are the winner :) ♥ 1 entry

For additional entries: 
1. Tell me what types of post you would like to see more of! Whether it is EOTD, FOTD, DIY projects, product reviews, nails, hauls.. etc etc! ♥1 entry

2. Post this giveaway on your blog with the first picture of this post shown and link back to this post. Please provide me the link to your post so i can verify. ♥ 2 entries

3. Post the first picture of this post on your sidebar with a link. Please provide me the link to your blog so i can verify. ♥ 2 entries

(blogs created for the sole purpose of entering giveaways will be disqualified. This giveaway is held because i want to thank my readers and i want to give each and every one of them a fair chance)

- This means that you can have a total of up to SIX entries! -

 Extra Details:

1. This giveaway will be open internationally so everyone and anyone can enter :)

2. If you are underage, please ask for permission first! I dont want to be getting into trouble :(

3. You can include all your entries in one comment, or if you forget and want to add on later, i dont mind separate comments. (just make sure you use the same name/account so i know who you are!)

4. All of the above products are completely new and unopened and are all purchased by me with my own money. Just in case you guys are still suspicious, i purchased another set of the Stila lip trios after i reviewed them. So the two glosses in the prize package are NOT used, i just took them out of the package to reduce shipping charges. :)

as you can see, the ones of the left are mine, and the 3 on the right are brand new! Unfortuantely, i gave the baby pink lipgloss to one of my friends so i only have two for the giveaway.

5. The contest will end one month from today, on July 15th, 2010 at 11:59 pm MDT ( any posts after will not be accepted ) as it is a very special day for me. My boyfriend and i will hit our 6 years anniversary so im super excited! =D

6. Winners will be chosen through the use of http://www.random.org/ and contacted through email once the giveaway is over. I will most likely be shipping the prize out via Canada Post, but i'll figure that out later once the giveaway has ended.

And thats it! I sincerely thank all of you who are following and plan on continuing to follow even after the giveaway :) I hope all of you will enjoy this giveaway! I wish you all the best of luck!

UPDATE: As you may already know, i've been having some problems with Intense Debate on my blog so there may be instances when you get re-directed to my old commenting system. Dont worry, i still receive all your lovely comments! For those who already entered in my giveaway through intense debates, i already recorded all your entries so there is no need to re-enter or worry! Please bear with me as I try to fix this problem. I promise it will be fixed soon!

Currently there are 91 unique bloggers who have entered giving a total of 231 entries!


  1. Ooh this is great...I am a follower: ngocupham.blogspot.com or NNP or Nancy Pham.

    I love many of your review post. I love how you put your effort to be very detail about the products you reviewed. Excellent work. I would like to see more DIY projects, and more FOTD

  2. Enter me please!

    I'm a follower (Carmen Cánovas) carmencj.88@gmail.com.

    I'd like to see more reviews about non-expensive products.

  3. Hello! I am a follower. Enter me please.

  4. I am a follower. Enter Me Please !

  5. Hi! I'm now a follower of your lovely blog!
    I'd like to see more of FOTDs in your future posts.. =)
    I also included your giveaway on my sidebar..
    Link: http://thebeautygaga.blogspot.com/
    Email: thebeautygaga@yahoo.com

    Thanks for having this fab giveways! More power to you and to your blog! ;)

  6. I am a follower, ngocupham@gmail.com

  7. Hello!
    I would very much look painted fingernails.
    Sorry for my English, I'm Spanish.
    I love makeup, nail polish and fashion.
    I'll put on the side of my blog your giveaway.
    My blog: www.xsalishax.blogspot.com
    My email: salisha.vs.studio@gmail.com

    Kisses and thanks :)

  8. enter me plz!
    im a follower

    ty for stopping by my blog,and entering my giveaway as well <3

  9. I'm a follower (Google Friend)
    More stuff on nails!


  10. Hiii!!

    I would love to participate in this contest!

    My Name: Marsídia
    My Nick: MarsMM
    My Email: marcidiamelo @ hotmail . com
    My blog: http://marsymm.blogspot.com/

    I'm your follower!

    What types of post I would like to see more of: Nailllls always!

    I reposted your giveaway and posted it at my SideBar here :

    Bye bye & Kisses!

  11. I just put up a post of ur giveaway to my blog...



  12. I just add the sidebar image that link to ur blog



  13. I'm a follower! yanickm(at)gmail(dot)com

  14. i'm a follower via gfc as Dasha=)
    thanks for the giveaway!
    i'd like to see more diy projects, ur organizing holders and boxes look so neat!

  15. i am a follower.
    i cant get enough of 'deals' posts. but i think i want to see more of diy projects from your blog since other beauty bloggers wont do it often. (i remember only 2 diy posts from your blog but hey others dont even do one).

  16. Great giveaway!! I'm a follower via GFC: 'chelle.
    My email address is cosmeticcupcake[at]gmail[dot]com.

    I'd love to see more FOTD and swatches of products =)


  17. I'm your follower.. enter me, pretty!! =D

    I wanna see more make up base review because I can't find the right concealer for me.. =(

    I leave your picture on my sidebar as well.. =)

    total entries: 4

    and btw, your giveaway ends on my bday.. hope I win it as bday present.. lol

  18. katielea12@gmail.com

    I would like to see more review posts :)

  19. hey I'm a follower through GFC.


  20. I'd like to see more of FOTDs in your future post.


  21. yay a giveaway!!!
    I am a follower (of course!) and I posted this on my sidebar
    inkowallthewords at hotmail dot com

  22. Following your blog! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :)
    hsemonick at gmail dot com

    Also, I've always been a fan of diy projects, so I'd definitely love to see more of those!!

  23. Following your blog already! Enter me!

    my email add: purplewhyt[at]yahoo[dot]com

    I would like to see more hauls :)

    posted your giveaway on my sidebar:

  24. Hi. = )
    I'm a follower with GFC.
    User - Nós
    E-mail - onossobazaar@gmail.com

    *hair products.

    **put your giveaway on my sidebar.

    Andreia. xoxo


  25. Hello!!!
    I'm a follower
    1) I would like to see more product reviews!
    2) I have posted your giveaway on my blog: http://bathroom-dancer.blogspot.com/p/giveaways.html

  26. Name: Tracy (following you as Peachy Pink Sisters)
    Email: peachypinksisters@gmail.com
    Link to blog post: http://peachypinksisters.blogspot.com/p/contestsgiveaways.html

  27. Amazing giveaway! I am really intrigued about that kit kat aha!

    Enter me please I am a follower


  28. I'm definitely a follower of your awesome blog.


    I really want to try those kit kat bars. :)

    I want to see more hauls so I could get an idea of what to purchase since your site have useful information.

    Giveaway posted on sidebar :)
    clickable too. ^^

    I know I'm a little late, but
    Thanks for a fun giveaway. Hehe <33

    Katie Ngo

  29. Hello! I'm a follower. :)
    I'd like to see more of DIYS and nails.
    Congratulations to you and your boyfriend in your 6 years anniversary! :D

  30. I'm a follower on your blog and tweeter!

    email: lifespice09(at)gmail(dot)com

    i want to see more haul and reviews.

    repost address: http://lifespice09.blogspot.com/2010/07/summer-giveaways.html

  31. Enter me please!

    I'm a follower (Claudia Mendonça)

    I'd like to see more reviews about products


  32. Please enter me ;D I followed you.. without knowing there was a giveaway until I read more of your posts HAHA
    I'd love to see more make up reviews :)

  33. Helloooo. I'm a follower.

    My email is idkshirley@gmail.com.

    I posted about this giveaway on http://papooie.blogspot.com/2010/07/giveaway.html

    and I also included the first picture ^

    I'd like to see more hauls [for some fashion tips], nails [I love your nail pictures], product reviews [I'm always on the run for new products I can buy].

    Thanks for holding this giveaway!

  34. Hi
    I am a follower shaimaa
    My Favorite types of post Makeup looks and tutorials

    Post about this giveaway


    I'm a follower via GFC as Victoria and I'd love participate in this giveaway!! :)
    I like make up and Kit-Kat!!! hahahah

    My favorite posts are reviews. They help me when I go to shopping! ^^



  36. ciaoooo!
    enter me please :)

  37. follower ^^
    I would like to see more make up reviewsss <3

  38. +1 I follow you on GFC as joanne.j

    +1 I would love to see more DIY projects and FOTD!

    joanne.j at hotmail dot com

  39. I follow thorugh google friend.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

  40. yay a Canadian blogger =)I'm from vancouver

    1. I'm following through google name li lian.
    my email is : li_lian_c@hotmail.com

    2. what I would like to see on your blog is more nail art! I love any type of nail art =) and also please let me know how the nail polish removals were. is the la color nail polish easy to remove?

    3.I posted about the giveaway on my giveaway page on my blog here: http://shortwidenails.blogspot.com/p/giveaway.html

    is this okay or should I change it?

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. - i'm a follower (wendy)

    - i hope to see more reviews in your future posts!

    luvwendy87 at hotmail dot com

  43. hi!

    I am your new follower (Elena)

    I would love to see more DIY projects on your blog


  44. ¡Hi! I'm a new follower. Mi email is palabrasetereas(at)hotmail(.)com

    Additional entries:
    +1. I would love to see more of nail art! :D

    +2 Post the first picture of this post on your sidebar with a link: It's on the sidebar called "Participo en" http://palabraeterea.blogspot.com/


  45. I'm following!! I?d love to see more DIY's!

  46. enter me! im following you! i would love to see more nail tutorials, and my email is

  47. Enter me.Im follower!
    Some theme nail tutorials could be nice::)

  48. Great prizes, I want that KitKat, ha ha! I follow via GFC and I'm on robyndskinner at gmail dot com. I'm really into nails at the moment so more nail-themed posts - hauls, manis, tuts, anything!

  49. Hi! I'm a follower of your blog!
    I really want those kit-kats. >o<"
    I would like to see more of reviews and FOTDs from your blog. :3

    Email: saccharine0158@gmail.com

  50. hey Congratulations on the followers!

    i would like to see more DIY projects because I also love making DIY's (and i need ideas on how to maximize and organize my makeups)

    i also posted your giveaway on my sidebar

    and here's my email add

    more diy's please! thanks!

  51. Hurray ! give away , Am in, am in :)

    Email id : veena.ammu@gmail.com

  52. i want to see more of nail art and eye make up,, :D please please, does smokey eye look good on small eyes ? please do a video tutorial for me :)
    Email : veena.ammu@gmail.com
