Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years EOTD & My 2011 Resolutions :)

Happy new year everyone!!!
I hope you all had a great 2010 & are ready to start a brand new year :D

Here is a smokey eye look i did for new years :) its heavier than i normally ever do.. and its not very even and/or blended out very well lol (still learning here.. any pointers would be great! :D) but i had lots of fun with it and i like how it turned out in the end, even if its not perfect :)

hahaha omg sorry for the scary eye. this was the only one that focused properly :p

taken with iphone 4

products used:
(i'll link to any i've previously reviewed or swatched)

- Revlon photoready foundation in nude (applied with Sigma F80)
- MAC MSF natural in medium plus (applied with Sigma F80)

- UDPP to prime
- Wet n' Wild Coloricon palette shadows - matte white & shimmery white (pride) in inner corners and center of lid, shimmery grey (lust) in inner and outer corners, matte black (greed) to darken
- Annabelle eyeshadow in Revolver (gorgeous shimmery lavender w/ grey undertones - swatch here) on top and around the white in the center of the lid to help blend and give more shimmer
- WnW matte black eyeshadow as liner
- Covergirl Lastblast Volume Waterproof
- ELF eyebrow kit brow powder for eyebrows



My New Year Resolutions

1. Be more organized!
I always make this new year resolution, but after a month or two, i start getting lazy and stop staying on top of myself. However, this year, i actually really want to achieve this and make it last as long as possible. I even bought myself a cute little planner to keep track of all the things i need to do :) yay!

in addition, re-organizing some of my old stuff will help me make better use of what i have. for example, if you've seen my DIY makeup palette lately (click here if you havent!) you know i re-organized alot of my single pan eyeshadows into palettes. This way, not only do i save space, but when i pull out a palette to use, i actually will use more colors/shades than if i had to open each shadow individually :)

2. Spend more time with family
No matter what happens, family should always come first. Although i am home often and always in contact with my parents, i feel like i could do even better.. especially with my younger brother who i feel i've drifted away from this past year. so this 2011, im going to make sure i take some time out of the week no matter how busy i am, to spend some time with my family :)

3. Spend less & make use of what i already have
Gosh, i've been so bad this 2010... spent much more than i normally do!! i used to be really picky & indecisive when buying things.. always calculating if its worth it or not lol so i never really spend too much. However, this past year i've been letting myself 'loose' and really just getting what i want haha. Well, in 2011 that's gotta stop!

My goal is to make use of all the stuff i already own. This doesnt necessarily mean no-buying in 2011, cause that could literally kill me lol. but i want to go through what i already have and use what i already own rather than buying something else that is similar. (yes this goes for not only makeup, but clothes and accessories too!) It'll be a bit challenging to hold myself back, but i think its time i dug out old treasures that i've neglected this past year and put them back into good use :)

4. Get better at applying eyeshadow & possibly record a video
So i've only just recently started to really get into eyeshadow application and all.. previously i usually just used liner & mascara or did a light wash all over my lids.. however, im starting to play around with what i have and i love it :) just wished i was better at it lol so i'll be watching many videos and reading many blog posts to learn more so i can get better :)

also, i know i started writing a blog because i enjoy expressing my opinions through written words rather than verbally (also because im better at written as compared to verbal lol) but my bf has been encouraging me to start making videos. im a bit nervous because i dont think i can really do as great of a job, but i think it'll be fun to set this as a goal, something thats out of my comfort zone :) so well, i'd love to hear what you think! should i possibly do a video review or tutorial? sometimes, some products i feel might be better reviewed if i could 'show' you how it works etc.. but i guess we'll see :) i'll put up a poll in the sidebar if you dont feel like leaving a comment below :)


anyways, you've heard my resolutions, now tell me..

what are your new years resolutions?

I hope you all had an amazing 2010. now its time for another new year to start and i hope that your 2011 will be filled with more happiness than 2010. Dont forget, nothing is ever too late.. dont hold yourself back thinking that you just cant change the way you do something.. because there will always be a tomorrow, a brand new day where you can start to change. set some goals for yourself, no matter how big or small, they will help you become a better person. and you'll also feel good about yourself when you accomplish them :)

anyways, i hope you all have a blast celebrating the new year tomorrow :D stay confident and end this year with a bang! take care and have fun!
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