Monday, March 21, 2011

Pray For Japan NOTD

Pray for Japan

Im sure we all heard about the events happening in Japan right now, and really.. we should all take a moment to reflect upon how this affects all of us. It is in times like these when our whole world finally joins together as one in order to help those who suffer. So please, do your part too!

If you can, donate some money, skip out on that early morning coffee of yours or maybe that really pretty blush you're lemming for. Sacrifice a little and help out others in need. If you're tight on funds yourself, then the least you can do is say a little prayer. Anything and anyone can help :) so dont just sit back and watch as the world helps japan, take part and do what you can as well :)

Anyways, with that out of the way lol my friends having his birthday bash at a club downtown calgary tonight and the best part it, the theme and whole thing is for Japan. Our covers (or part of it) will go to help those who suffer in Japan and i love the whole meaning behind it! So... not really thinking i could pull off a "japanese styled makeup", i decided to do a little japan notd :) enjoy!

haha sorry. my second nail is chipped :(

and a full fotd, i'll do a separate post on my eye makeup :)

hope you all had a good week! take care <3


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