Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sneak Peek: Sleek Primer Palette

My first Sleek Product!

I won a Sleek Primer Palette from the lovely Sarah (@Sarahloolaa) through her twitter giveaway and was SO super excited to receive this because i have yet to try out Sleek products! I've heard SO many good things about their palettes and am excited to test run this one. The palette i have here, is their primer palette (filled with creamy colored eye primers rather than eyeshadow).

And since ive been super busy lately (first with midterms and assignments, and now with my baby Sumo <3), i havent really had the time to play with this yet! *gasp* haha. but i did snap some pictures for you guys to look at while i play with it some more and get a decent review for you all :)

looks "sleek" doesnt it ;) hahaha


If you've tried this palette before, love it or hate it, i'd LOVE to hear what you think! Or for those who have experience with sleek products, let me know which ones are MUST HAVES! i think im going to start making a list of all the products overseas that i really want and maybe do a swap someday haha :p 

thanks and have a great week everyone! i'll be back with reviews and swatches shortly :)

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