Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cant Get Enough of Accessories - Aldo Haul

I need to go shopping again...

So about a week or two ago, i did some "much needed" retail therapy to get away from all the studying and cramming.. (im going to go straight to the mall after im done with all my final exams! lol) anyways, i ended up buying a few accessories and a pair of heels from aldo! and i loveee everything i got :) so today, i'm just sharing with you guys what i got...

sorry.. my nails are chipping bad and i havent had time to redo them :(

So i purchased this gorgeous snake ring! i was born in the year of the snake so i am totallly loving this! (although it freaked out my friend lol cause she hates snakes) still, i think its gorgeous! what do you think?

ohhh, and one of my other friends told me that a celebrity from china (or was it taiwan?) has a snake ring TATTOOED on her finger! how sweet is that? haha i totally need to ask my friend again for her name so i can search her up and show you guys :)

I also bought a girly necklace :) its very simple and chic, i love it! the old key, the pink rose and the white pearl brings a vintage feel which i am totally digging!

and last but definitely not least! i bought myself another pair of heels! lol i seriously cant get enough of shoes and bags and makeup and omg.. everything LOL please tell me im not the only one with a major shopping problem?

anyways, these shoes were 50% off and i picked them out because i totally need a pair of heels that was more sophisticated and suitable for work. plus, they are SUPER comfy and have a nice suede detailing! andd, since they are more of a natural shade, they make my legs look longer then they actually are *score!* haha but seriously, for about $25, i think this was a good buy :)

these shoes are more of a lighter grey taupe in real life, sorry! lol my lighting totally sucked today...

and thats about it! sorry about the short post again today, i totally am overwhelmed with all the material i need to know for my finals :( i seriously cant wait till my finals are over because i am in neeeeed of some new makeup products in my life! i've been reading so many blog posts and its making me crave everything!! lol okay, i hope you all have an amazing week and i'll be back soon hopefully with a makeup haul! <3

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