Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Looking for Company Sponsors for PinkboxMakeup's One Year Anniversary Giveaway!

Has it been one year already?!

image edited from google

Almost! I started Pinkbox Makeup on May 1st 2010 and since then, my little blog has grown :) all thanks to all of my wonderful readers! I am so happy to be able to help match readers with products that will hopefully work well for them, to provide swatches and reviews of new (and old) products and most of all, to be able to meet so many wonderful and talented people in the blogger community.

In order to thank everyone for their support, feedback and love, I have decided to host another giveaway to celebrate my blog's one year anniversary! Throughout the past little while, I have already been picking up some goodies to add onto the prize list for this giveaway :) However, after asking my fellow twitter-friends, I received many answers all suggesting i should ask if beauty and makeup companies would help sponsor my giveaway! Prior to this, I had given it some thought as well, but wasnt sure if I would come across as being "rude and greedy".. However, with so many people supporting the idea, I thought "it doesnt hurt to try!" :)

So here I am, in search for any beauty, skincare and/or makeup related companies who would like to sponsor a prize (whether it is a product and/or gift certificate etc) for Pinkbox Makeup's one year anniversary giveaway!

If you are interested in sponsoring a prize, please click on the "contact me" tab above where you will have access to my email information.
If you know of someone or a company who would be interested in sponsoring a prize, please be a dear and pass on this post to them :)

Once again, thank you all so much for your support :) Pinkbox Makeup wouldnt be what it is today without each and every single one of you! I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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