We've had the longest. winter. ever.
Seriously, its April and its snowing again?!?! We're supposed to get another 5-10 cm of snow tonight.. What is wrong with calgary weather?!? :( Anyways, I stopped by my local Winners recently and picked up the cutest floral dress! I cant wait to wear this when the weather gets better! :D
oh, and since i havent done a full fotd in a while, here are some shots :)

Yeah, if you cant tell, Im SOOO ready for Spring!
Sorry this is such a short post! i've got a ton of stuff to cram into my head for my finals! >< But it'll be over soon :D Have a great week everyone! <3
p.s: dont forget to enter my two giveaways! One for a Sigma Miss Taylor Kabuki and the other for a Karmin Styling Iron! Check the right sidebar for more information :)